Fact Snacks
Best Smeller
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Put these in order by their ability to smell, starting with the strongest: human, elephant, aardvark, dog.
A: Elephant, dog, aardvark, human
Bug Eaters
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Q: Which animal can catch and eat up to 600 insects in an hour? A) Bat B) Aardvark C) Bird D) Snake
A: Bat.
Fact: A group of 500 bats could eat two tons of insects in a year!
Flightless but Fast!
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Q: Which bird can’t fly but can run up to 43 miles per hour? It also has only two toes!
A: Ostrich
Height Changes
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Fact: Did you know that your height changes throughout the day?
Q: At what point during the day are you at your tallest height?
A: Morning, after your back has stretched out all night.
Keeping Cool
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Fact: All mammals have sweat glands, but some animals can't sweat enough to keep themselves cool.
Q: What do pigs do to control their body temperature?
A: They take mud baths!