Same Or Different Preschool On-Track Software (Windows Download)
Help your child sharpen focus and attention to detail. Download this Same or Different Preschool On-Track app for Windows, and your preschooler can take a close and careful look at object groups, pictures, and letter combinations to determine which are the same and which are different. Some are easy to spy right away, but others demand a closer look and differentiation of small details. This dynamic software tracks kids’ progress, color-coding correct/incorrect answers and...
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Contents: Windows download
Help your child sharpen focus and attention to detail. Download this Same or Different Preschool On-Track app for Windows, and your preschooler can take a close and careful look at object groups, pictures, and letter combinations to determine which are the same and which are different. Some are easy to spy right away, but others demand a closer look and differentiation of small details. This dynamic software tracks kids’ progress, color-coding correct/incorrect answers and giving them an at-a-glance review of their work. Stars mean “great job!” A check mark shows incorrect answers. By selecting the red tracks at the bottom of the screen, little learners can try again to get the correct answer.
With step-by-step instruction, clear examples, audio guidance, instant grading, and simple onscreen manipulation, Same or Different is easy for preschoolers to navigate independently. Colorful graphics, silly sound effects, and funny reward animations enhance the experience. At intervals, kids are also rewarded with four alternating games: Topsy Turtle, Catch-a-Scoop, Tic-Tac-Toe, and Pennies for Piggy. Plus, a progress report can be printed at any time, as well as bonus exercise pages and a completion award certificate when finished.
U.S. English language & math conventions, U.S. currency